Simple Peng Test

Peng is the main attribute of Taiji and Qi Gong.

Taiji is the art of Peng.

Peng is a rotating, expanding kind of energy.

~Hong Junsheng

With the current trend towards Taiji as an External art, rather than Internal, as its creators meant it to be, it becomes more difficult to find someone who can teach the How of Peng.

Fortunately, one of my teachers always teaches in this manner and what he shows is an interesting and physically difficult means of learning that How.

The quote by Grandmaster Hong in part says that Peng is an expanding kind of energy. Anyone know what that means, or how to train it?

For your perusal we include a video of one of my teachers showing 3 simplified tests to help with this, and to see if you can do it.

Rather than fighting over “Is Taiji external, is Push Hands shoving people around?” and similar kinds of foolishness, try this test.

When someone as qualified as Hong, or Chen Fa-ke, or Chen Xin, proclaim that in Taiji the ability to rotate (not wobble) and expand, is an essential of creating our basic energy, you would be wise to listen to that advice.

But if you can’t do these tests don’t worry. Not many can.

Good luck with it though.

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